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You better believe that I live my life “a quarter mile at a time.” Oh wait, no that’s not me. But, you have to hand it to those Fast & Furious guys. That’s a great quote and probably the way us entrepreneurs are currently roaming the Earth: Mach 2 with our hair on fire. Oh shoot, that’s not me either. Top Gun, right? Well, still valid.It’s probably fair to say that most of us come up against a wall of tiredness or sickness trying to “live the dream,” right? So, what do you do to stay healthy? Sleep! Seriously you need to sleep–your brain won’t stop functioning, but words might stop coming out as words. And then people will think you’re having a stroke. Then, because you can’t explain yourself, you’re taken to the ER and then it just becomes a very expensive thing. (Okay, maybe an extreme example, but take care of your body!) So, do yourself and your wallet (and your business partner) a favor and get some sleep!

Now that we have that covered – eat! And don’t go grab a bag of Cheetos or pick up your favorite fro-yo – seriously eww, yucky, bad. (I mean, we all “pretend” we don’t want to eat these things, but just hold it together and don’t.) Get yourself a nice sandwich, or omelet, maybe some paella or basil Thai chicken. Eating well = less tiredness, good vibes and confidence through completing ordinary tasks. Bonus points for supporting a fellow local business.

Next, have you ever noticed that you get the best ideas when you’re in the bathroom? Walk away from your computer! Go for a walk around the block. Take your kids for a bike ride. Go grocery shopping. Watch the lunar eclipse. Be inspired. (Also, save your eyesight.)

Let’s recap this because I think we all forget to do the things that will keep you going strong even though getting one last piece of content written or busting out one last widget seems the most important thing in that moment:

  1. Sleep
  2. Eat
  3. Walk away from your computer

Helpful side notes: Vitamin C tabs and a listening and supportive ear are great to have around.

Go forth and prosper!

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