In Social Media

As a kid, my least favorite spring cleaning task was helping my mom wash windows, specifically, second-story old farmhouse windows. Don’t get me wrong, I’m as Monica Gellar (“Friends” reference!) as they come, and have an odd love for cleaning, but it turns out 100-year-old farmhouses don’t have easy-to-clean windows. (Shockingly, my mom’s fear of heights didn’t seem to bother her during this process. Try getting her to cross a bridge now…)

Thankfully, social media clean up doesn’t involve ladders and copious amounts of vinegar, but it does require some time and mental elbow grease.

A pink flowering plant with the title Spring Cleaning your social media accountsLet’s be honest: What’s wrong with a few dust bunnies on your profiles, you ask? Well, theoretically, you can probably get by. But let me ask you a few things:

  • When was the last team you really reviewed your social media accounts? Maybe the pre-holiday season. That was five months ago…
  • What’s changed in your business this year?
  • What’s changed in social media this year?

Don’t worry: I put together a few tips on where to start. (Spoiler: It doesn’t have to mean a full-day event–you can break these steps up into a few separate occasions.)


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