If your business is gearing up for the holiday sales season, these tips are for you! From Small Business Saturday, to ensuring your business' social media profiles are ready to showcase you to [...]
Is it still summer, or are we going full speed into back to school? This sounds like a glass half full conversation, but it’s all in what takes priority for your business messaging.
In the season of Spring and sprucing up social media accounts, it could be the perfect time to try out a feature or two that you haven’t yet. How about Instagram Stories Highlights? Trust [...]
As a kid, my least favorite spring cleaning task was helping my mom wash windows, specifically, second-story old farmhouse windows. Don’t get me wrong, I’m as Monica Gellar [...]
It’s time to up your creativity on Instagram! New features have been non-stop lately, which is awesome for everyone pushing their creative boundaries. But that means there are constantly [...]
Historically, years that end in seven have been notable for the FunnelCake team. 2007: Navigating chopsticks and language barriers living in China. 1997: Anna celebrated her golden birthday [...]
Farmers Marketing is the best! You can showcase your hand grown & crafted good not only in front of the crowds, but drive them to your booth by having a fun & festival online presence.