In Creativation, Events, Instagram, Social Media

My second year at Creativation is here, and I can’t wait for another year of creative awesomeness!

Part of that excitement is the opportunity to connect with other attendees at three social media sessions I’m leading. (Woo-hoo!)

Join me at These Social Media Sessions

Boxes with creative pictures along with the dates and titles of sessions Funnel Cake Social Media will be hosting at this year's Creativation.

What Goes Where on Instagram: Understanding & Exploring Instagram’s Features

Whew! We have a LOT of ground to cover in this session, and I can’t wait to see what everyone creates. I bet there will be a few in-depth things we run short on time to cover, so you’ll have access to the session, and I also wanted to share a few other tutorials that may be helpful as you continue navigating Instagram.

  • Can you schedule Instagram posts? What are those features available in Instagram Stories again? If you weren’t able to attend last spring’s iDiscover session, here are a few tips to help you get started.
  • How do you set up Instagram Stories Highlights? (And what in the world are they?) Check out this tutorial to take your Instagram Stories to the next level!

Behind the Social Media Scenes: How 3 Creatives Craft Their Social Media

A tale as old as (social media) time: You’re looking at Instagram or Facebook and wondering how another creative you follow makes those posts happen. More importantly: How can you make them happen? I’m over-the-moon to be moderating a chat with Amy Guerrero (Sunshine Craft Co), Lynn Lilly (Craft Box Girls) and Paige Poppe (Paige Poppe Art), they are going to share their tips, tricks and wins so that you can implement them into your own content routine (and learn more about what goes into the processes!).

Pictures of the panel that will be speaking about their small businesses at Creativation 2019. Social Media Timesavers: How to be Creative & Efficient

Nothing hampers my social media creativity like things that eat up precious time I could be using for fun, engaging and strategic posts! Amirite? Join me on the show floor to learn more about the processes I use to streamline my social media processes–and you can, too! (Would you like a copy of the tips I shared? Send me a message here and mention “Creativation Timesavers” and I’ll send it over!)

(Psst! 2 Bonuses for you in addition to these sessions: 1. If you want to talk through more of your social media plans, I’m offering a few complimentary one-on-one sessions on Sunday, and a few via phone in February. Here’s where to schedule one. 2. Request to join my “Crafting & Growing Social Media” Facebook Group and mention Creativation in your join request.)

Hoping to see you all this weekend, and happy creating to all!


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